
Se afișează postări din decembrie, 2018

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Sleep Apnea

If you are tired all the time, it's likely you don't get enough sleep. Sleep apnea can be the cause, and snoring is an early warning sign.  Find out about sleep apnea, and symptoms like snoring, sleep deprivation, sleep disorders, feeling tired and sluggish, and not getting enough sleep.   Does your heavy snoring keep your partner awake. Or worse yet, do you have to sleep in separate rooms? Does someone threaten to record your snoring because it's unbelievably noisy.  How you know when you've got sleep apnea . It is likely that your partner noticed that you stop breathing often during the night, and called your attention to it. You may already know that you are sleep deprived, because you are sluggish during the day. Sometimes you feel like a zombie, just going through the motions. Maybe you can't drive long distances without falling asleep. Maybe you take secret naps at lunchtime or during the day. The hidden cause of tiredness can be sleep apnea, a conditio