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Se afișează postări din septembrie, 2018
Be present
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Being present | Free health article 22 MAY 2018 FREE MONTHLY HEALTH ARTICLES We often try to pack a lot into our day; we race around, ticking things off our to-do list so we can rest easy and relax at night. But what if we took a moment for being , rather than doing? Does it pay to slow down and focus on the present moment? The benefits of simply 'being' 'Being present' is part of the practice known as mindfulness. It's a way to focus on what is happening 'in the now', and it can have positive effects on your mental health and wellbeing. Studies show that practising mindfulness may aid in managing stress, anxiety and depression, and can help to make us calmer, happier humans. "The benefits of being present are that you get to focus on the most important point in time – the present," explains Jean Hailes clinical psychologist Gillian Needleman. "The present is the place where you are the most powerful as it is '...
Health And Yoga Articles & News Letters
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Yoga has been gaining immense popularity due to the short-term as well as long-term benefits that it provides. The aims of the yoga enthusiasts are extremely varied. Some are particularly inspired by the Spiritual Element that yoga provides; others by the increased Fitness and Flexibility that it results in. Some people find solutions to suffering from varied Health Disorders and there are others who achieve an All-Round Development of a calm, stress-free mind and a fit body. We bring to you a collection of yoga articles that are specifically chosen keeping these objectives in mind, while being presented in an easy to understand manner. Hope you enjoy reading them. You can always subscribe to Future Articles by Clicking here . Should you like to contribute to this ever-growing section with your own experiences or teachings, please feel free to send us your article by Clicking here Now to the...
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It is very satisfying to see yoga articles in reputed scientific journals nowadays. It was observed in the past that yogic masters taught yoga only to their handful of students and refrained from any publicity on this topic. On the other hand, we have seen an explosion in numbers of quacks who claim to cure anything instantly with yoga. What we need today is a balanced approach, a receptive and cautious mind and a real enthusiastic action on the scientific findings about yoga. Randomized controlled studies are the way to learn the science and yoga is meant for a person of action. Tons of information on yoga is not going to help us till we actually start practicing it! As we are studying more and more aspects of yoga, we keep on getting amazed at their effects. We do not know the exact mechanisms in most of the cases but that should not really bother us! We still do not know exact mechanism of action of many time proven medicines such as metformin and pioglitazone, but that doe...
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What is yoga good for? Yoga is quickly becoming the most popular workout .Those who are looking to gain flexibility or even lose weight are doing yoga and is a very good exercise for stress so is more than just a workout and even a way of life . While you may be getting into yoga for the exercise, you may soon find yourself wrapped in the philosophy and spiritual that yoga brings along with it . Where Did Yoga come from? Yoga have originated in India during the Golden Age almost 26.000 years ago And it means “To control” “to yoke” if you control you...
Lose Weight
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2 effective Steps to lose weight 1. Boxing Running several days per week, either outdoors or on a treadmill, is a simple, effective way to lose weight. The knock on this form of exercise, however, is its repetitive nature. If you're eager to lose weight but want to adopt a workout with a variety of elements, boxing might be for you. You don't have to worry about getting hit -- even without contact drills, boxing can aid in weight loss. Even if you are a girl or a boy you will lose weight with "boxing" if you do it right 2.Just working out As a second "move" try: another really important detail here: Weight loss isn't for everyone. For some people, it's actually much healthier to ignore your weight altogether, or never think about calories, or focus on literally anything else. That's especially true if you have a history of disordered eating; if that's you, you should talk to your doctor before going on any weight-loss plan at all....