What is yoga good for?

Yoga is quickly becoming the most popular workout .Those who are looking to gain flexibility or 
even lose weight are doing yoga and is a very good exercise for stress so is more than just a workout and even a way of life . While you may be getting into yoga for the exercise, you may soon find yourself wrapped in the philosophy and spiritual that yoga brings along with it
Where Did Yoga come from?

Yoga have originated in India during the Golden Age almost 26.000 years ago                                                                       And it means “To control” “to yoke” if you control your body and your mind you can be a better person inside and you will be more confident and it will help you sleep better

Physical Benefits of Yoga

1.     Improve Balance
2.     Increased Stamina
3.     Increased Flexibility
4.     Improve your body

Mental Benefits of Yoga

1.     Better sleep
2.     Better Self-Confidence
3.     Stress Reduction
